Restraining Orders in Divorce
What Should I do if My Spouse is Trying to Take Me Off Insurance or Take Money From Our Bank Account?

When going through or contemplating a divorce, people are often concerned their spouse will take, hide or sell property. There are also concerns about a spouse threatening to or cancelling insurance.
Common questions are: How do I stop my spouse from emptying the bank account? How do I stop my spouse from taking my car? My spouse has threatened to take me off of the insurance, what can I do to protect myself?
King County, for example, has automatic restraining orders that go into effect when a divorce case is filed for the spouse filing and when served for the non-filing spouse.
In other counties such as Pierce County, either spouse can bring a motion for restraining orders after the divorce is filed. An attorney at Seacoma Law would be happy to discuss the options you have. Please contact us to discuss what you can do to protect yourself.
If you have a situation where your spouse is threatening or harassing you, you may be able to obtain a restraining order that prohibits your spouse from coming near you or disturbing your peace.
In extreme situations, parties can be required to surrender firearms and other dangerous weapons. If you have been assaulted or threatened with assault or if there is a stalking situation, you may also want to consider filing for a domestic violence protection order. If you would like help determining what you need to do in your situation, give us a call at (253)234-1934.